- I want to open 2 excel files in separate windows to view them side by - Microsoft Community

- I want to open 2 excel files in separate windows to view them side by - Microsoft Community

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Open each spreadsheet in a new instance of Excel - Microsoft Community. 



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- Microsoft office 2010 excel multiple windows free

  You can purchase auto-renew /6647.txt from Mjcrosoft Then open your second file from the new instance. Do more with your data with Excel in Microsoft Android is a trademark of Google Inc. Click Arrange All in the Window group of the View tab of the ribbon for options to arrange the workbook windows. In most cases, that works just fine.    


Microsoft office 2010 excel multiple windows free.Microsoft Office 2010


Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Thanks for your feedback. Thanks for the по этому адресуbut didn't work for mestill open in the same windowcant drag it at all.

I try that but didn't workmaybe I am not doing it right btw I'm using windows 8maybe that is one of the reason. Double click an Excel workbook and have it open in it's own interface. Double /46213.txt another workbook will open in another instance. Open excel.

Select General tab. Open file-explorer. Select File Types microsoft office 2010 excel multiple windows free. Open Excel.

Press Start-Run, Type Regedit. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. I want to open 2 excel files in separate windows to view them side by side This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Gord Dibben. How satisfied are you with this reply?

Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. First you open the first file in one instance of excel. In reply to Gord Dibben's post on May 28, I did it but still opens the two excel sheet in the same windowI microsoft office 2010 excel multiple windows free get it to work. In reply to JoseSolorzano's /10596.txt on May 28, In reply to Palcouk's post on May 28, I try that but didn't workmaybe I am not doing it right btw I'm using windows 8maybe that is one of the reason Thanks.

Hi, I followed the same instructions and it only works for the new files, but not for the older files that I had created. In the older files, they can only be able to view side by side within the приведу ссылку window, which is not what I want Microsoft office 2010 excel multiple windows free want them to be view in 2 different window.

Therefore, is there any settings where it will works for the older files? Windows XP Office 1. Update Registry. Thank you This works for me! I don't know why they implemented this. This site по этому адресу other languages x.


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